Supporting Change Through Chocolate $1 at a Time | Creo Chocolate
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Raising the bar $1 at a time

Posted by Kevin Straub on
Raising the bar $1 at a time

During the dreaming process of starting Creo Chocolate in Portland, Oregon we asked ourselves, “How could we use this company to make a lasting impact in the world we live in?” Out of this thought, the reinvestment of $1 per bar was born.

We find a lot of joy in giving back into our community in this way. We have selected Birch Community Services to be one of Creo’s partners in Chocolate for Change.

Why Birch?

Here are some reasons we selected Birch:

  • They provide a hand up rather than a handout to the working poor
  • Each year they redistribute over 8 million lbs. of food and household items
  • Birch is run largely by volunteers.
  • Participating families maintain community gardens.
  • Mentorship is encouraged to help participating families reach the next level.
  • They provide accountability and how-to classes to help participating families make wise financial decisions.
  • They are financially sustainable.
  • They have a proven track record since 1992.
  • Their model has worked so well that each year other organizations come for training on how to replicate it their community.

Enjoy Creo Chocolate in Portland Oregon and together we will make a lasting difference. Go to to follow the impact.

Join with us to make Real Change in our world by helping others.

Raising the bar $1 at a time,

Tim, Janet & Kevin

Real Chocolate – Real Relationships – Real Change


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